Monday, July 23, 2018

Fixing Oracle broken jobs

Fixing Oracle broken jobs

Scheduled jobs appears in two places in Oracle 10g, in the dba_scheduler_jobs (for automatic jobs and jobs scheduled via dbms_scheduler) as well as in the dba_jobs views for jobs that were scheduled with the dbms_job package.
The O'Reilly book on PL/SQL Built-in Packages: notes an automatic procedure for "fixing" special types of broken jobs:

Fixing Broken Jobs Automatically

Charles Dye recommended the next example, probably based on his experiences with replication. When jobs have relatively complex execution requirements in terms of the database objects on which they depend, they can easily become broken by incurring multiple execution failures. Perhaps the DBA has modified some database links or recreated tables or views, and the job's definition has been temporarily compromised.

Well, it's a pain to manually reset the broken flag for these "not really broken" jobs, so why not have a job that regularly tries to unbreak jobs? Sounds good to me; here is a procedure called job_fixer to do just that:
/* Filename on companion disk: job5.sql */*
   || calls DBMS_JOB.BROKEN to try and set
   || any broken jobs to unbroken
   /* cursor selects user's broken jobs */
   CURSOR broken_jobs_cur
   SELECT job
     FROM user_jobs
    WHERE broken = 'Y';
   FOR job_rec IN broken_jobs_cur
END job_fixer;

The Oracle documentation suggests that fixing "disabled" jobs in 10g dbms_scheduler is different from the "broken" in dbms_job (emphasis added) and adds many "state" column values for jobs in dba_scheduler_jobs: select state from dba_scheduler_jobs;
Job State Description
disabledThe job is disabled.
scheduledThe job is scheduled to be executed.
runningThe job is currently running.
completedThe job has completed, and is not scheduled to run again.
brokenThe job is broken.
failedThe job was scheduled to run once and failed.
retry scheduledThe job has failed at least once and a retry has been scheduled to be executed.
succeededThe job was scheduled to run once and completed successfully.

Enabling Jobs

You enable jobs by using the ENABLE procedure. The effect of using this procedure is that the job will now be picked up by the job coordinator for processing. Jobs are created disabled by default, so you need to enable them before they can run. When a job is enabled, a validity check is performed. If the check fails, the job is not enabled.
You can enable several jobs in one call by providing a comma-delimited list of job names or job class names to the ENABLE procedure call. For example, the following statement combines jobs with job classes:
DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE ('job1, job2, job3, 
   sys.jobclass1, sys.jobclass2, sys.jobclass3');
Also, note this on dbms_scheduler
Finally, Dr. Hall notes about the "state" column of dba_scheduler_jobs:

A regular failure doesn't alter the state column. We can prove this by creating a procedure that fails and scheduling it: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE proc_fail AS
  RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'I forced this error!');

    job_name        => 'test1',
    job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
    job_action      => 'BEGIN proc_fail; END;',
    repeat_interval => 'freq=minutely;',
    enabled         => TRUE,
    start_date      => SYSTIMESTAMP);

If we let it run a few times we can see that the state column stays as
SCHEDULED, even after failures. You can check this using the following
SELECT job_name, state FROM dba_scheduler_jobs WHERE job_name = 'TEST1';

As you say, you can check the details of the failures by querying the

The possible values for the STATE column vary a little, depending on the database version, but here is the state list for 10gR2.
Here is a query shows which dbms_scheduler jobs failed and why they failed:

-- What scheduled tasks failed during execution, and why?
COL log_id              FORMAT 9999   HEADING 'Log#'
COL log_date            FORMAT A32    HEADING 'Log Date'
COL owner               FORMAT A06    HEADING 'Owner'
COL job_name            FORMAT A20    HEADING 'Job'
COL status              FORMAT A10    HEADING 'Status'
COL actual_start_date   FORMAT A32    HEADING 'Actual|Start|Date'
COL error#              FORMAT 999999 HEADING 'Error|Nbr'

TTITLE 'Scheduled Tasks That Failed:'

--   job_name = 'MYJOB'

   status <> 'SUCCEEDED'
order by

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