Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Installing ZFS on a CentOS 6 Linux server

Installing ZFS on a CentOS 6 Linux server, 

As most of my long term readers know I am a huge Solaris fan. How can’t you love an Operating System that comes with ZFSDTraceZonesFMA and Network Virtualization amongst other things? I use Linux during my day job, and I’ve been hoping for quite some time that Oracle would port one or more of these technologies to Linux. Well the first salvo has been fired, though it wasn’t from Oracle. It comes by way of the ZFS on Linux project, which is an in-kernel implementation of ZFS (this project is different from the FUSE ZFS port).

I had some free time this weekend to play around with ZFS on Linux, and my initial impressions are quite positive. The port on Linux is based on the latest version of ZFS that is part of OpenSolaris (version 28), so things like snapshots, de-duplication, improved performance and ZFS send and recv are available out of the box. There are a few missing items, but from what I can tell from the documentation there is plenty more coming.
The ZFS file system for Linux comes as source code, which you build into loadable kernel modules (this is how they get around the license incompatibilities). The implementation also contains the userland utilities (zfs, zpool, etc.) most Solaris admins are used to, and they act just like their Solaris counterparts! Nice!
My testing occurred on a CentOS 6 machine, specifically 6.2:
cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS release 6.2 (Final)
The build process is quite easy. Prior to compiling source code you will need to install a few dependencies:
yum install kernel-devel zlib-devel libuuid-devel libblkid-devel libselinux-devel parted lsscsi
Once these are installed you can retrieve and build spl and zfs packages:
tar xfvz spl-0.6.0-rc6.tar.gz && cd spl*6
./configure && make rpm
rpm -Uvh *.x86_64.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:spl-modules-devel      ########################################### [ 33%]
   2:spl-modules            ########################################### [ 67%]
   3:spl                    ########################################### [100%]
tar xfvz zfs-0.6.0-rc6.tar.gz && cd zfs*6
./configure && make rpm
rpm -Uvh *.x86_64.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:zfs-test               ########################################### [ 17%]
   2:zfs-modules-devel      ########################################### [ 33%]
   3:zfs-modules            ########################################### [ 50%]
   4:zfs-dracut             ########################################### [ 67%]
   5:zfs-devel              ########################################### [ 83%]
   6:zfs                    ########################################### [100%]
If everything went as planned you now have the ZFS kernel modules and userland utilities installed! To begin using ZFS you will first need to load the kernel modules with modprobe:
modprobe zfs
To verify the module loaded you can tail /var/log/messages:
Feb 12 17:54:27 centos6 kernel: SPL: Loaded module v0.6.0, using hostid 0x00000000
Feb 12 17:54:27 centos6 kernel: zunicode: module license 'CDDL' taints kernel.
Feb 12 17:54:27 centos6 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Feb 12 17:54:27 centos6 kernel: ZFS: Loaded module v0.6.0, ZFS pool version 28, ZFS filesystem version 5
And run lsmod to verify they are there:
lsmod | grep -i zfs
zfs                  1038053  0 
zcommon                42478  1 zfs
znvpair                47487  2 zfs,zcommon
zavl                    6925  1 zfs
zunicode              323120  1 zfs
spl                   210887  5 zfs,zcommon,znvpair,zavl,zunicode
To create our first pool we can use the zpool utilities create option:
zpool create mysqlpool mirror sdb sdc
The example above created a mirrored pool out of the sdb and sdc block devices. We can see this layout in the output of `zpool status`:
zpool status -v
  pool: mysqlpool
 state: ONLINE
 scan: none requested

 mysqlpool   ONLINE       0     0     0
   mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
     sdb     ONLINE       0     0     0
     sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors
Awesome! Since we are at pool version 28 lets disable atime updates and enable compression and deduplication:
zfs set compression=on mysqlpool
zfs set dedup=on mysqlpool
zfs set atime=off mysqlpool
For a somewhat real world test, I stopped one of my MySQL slaves, mounted the pool on /var/lib/mysql, synchronized the previous data over to the ZFS file system and then started MySQL. No errors to report, and MySQL is working just fine. Next up, I trash one side of the mirror and verified that resilvering works:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb
zpool scrub mysqlpool
I let this run for a few minutes then ran `zpool status` to verify the scrub fixed everything:
zpool status -v
  pool: mysqlpool
 state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error.  An
 attempt was made to correct the error.  Applications are unaffected.
action: Determine if the device needs to be replaced, and clear the errors
 using 'zpool clear' or replace the device with 'zpool replace'.
 scan: scrub repaired 966K in 0h0m with 0 errors on Sun Feb 12 18:54:51 2012

 mysqlpool   ONLINE       0     0     0
   mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
     sdb     ONLINE       0     0   175
     sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
I beat on the pool pretty good and didn’t encounter any hangs or kernel oopses. The file systems port is still in its infancy, so I won’t be trusting it with production data quite yet. Hopefully it will mature in the coming months, and if we’re lucky maybe one of the major distributions will begin including it! That would be killer!!

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